This special issue has developed out of a research symposium on global genetic fictions, funded by Wellcome, which was held at the University of Leeds in April 2019. Involving …
B Koç, PT Cephe - Studies in Linguistics, Culture & FLT, 2023 -
The study examines the potential educational value of TED (technology, entertainment, and design) Talks as supplementary resources in the form of an assignment for teaching English …
Sažetak Koncept samopomoći je sve više prisutan u svim sferama ljudskih života. Osobe traže pomoć koja im je dostupnija kroz knjige, grupe i tehnologiju, ali pitanje je koliko je ta …
E Alber, P Burschel, T Duve, R Jaffe, I Karremann… -
«La Peste est un de ces fléaux qui peuvent en peu de tems dépeupler un Etat. C'est un ennemi d'autant plus redoutable qu'il vient à nous sans être aperçû, & que soufflant le venin …
Human cytomegalovirus is the largest and most prevalent member of the human herpes virus family. The only natural host of this virus are humen, with a worldwide outbreak …
F Abdi Vazvani, F Akbarian - Biology: Fundamentals to …, 2023 -
Human cytomegalovirus is the largest and most prevalent member of the human herpes virus family. The only natural host of this virus are humen, with a worldwide outbreak …