This book gives a comprehensive treatment of the singularities that appear in the minimal model program and in the moduli problem for varieties. The study of these singularities and …
C Xu - Annals of Mathematics, 2020 -
We prove a version of Jonsson-Mustaţǎ's Conjecture, which says for any graded sequence of ideals, there exists a quasi-monomial valuation computing its log canonical threshold. As …
We study the topology of a space $\Delta _ {g} $ parametrizing stable tropical curves of genus $ g $ with volume $1 $, showing that its reduced rational homology is canonically …
C Li, X Wang, C Xu - Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 2021 -
We prove two new results on the $ K $-polystability of $\mathbb {Q} $-Fano varieties based on purely algebro-geometric arguments. The first one says that any $ K $-semistable log …
In this paper, we study the ascending chain condition (ACC) conjecture for minimal log discrepancies (mlds), proposed by the third author. We show the ACC conjecture holds for …
We develop the moduli theory of boundary polarized CY pairs, which are slc Calabi-Yau pairs $(X, D) $ such that $ D $ is ample. The motivation for studying this moduli problem is to …
S Boucksom, M Jonsson - Journal de l'École polytechnique …, 2017 -
We study the asymptotic behavior of volume forms on a degenerating family of compact complex manifolds. Under rather general conditions, we prove that the volume forms …
Let be a pair, and let be a contraction with nef over S. A conjecture, known as the Shokurov– Kollár connectedness principle, predicts that has at most two connected components, where …
Abstract The Chow–Mumford (CM) line bundle is a functorial line bundle on the base of any family of klt Fano varieties. It is conjectured that it yields a polarization on the moduli space …