Nuclear effects in structure functions

M Arneodo - Physics Reports, 1994 - Elsevier
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Measurement of two-and three-nucleon short-range correlation probabilities in nuclei

KS Egiyan, NB Dashyan, MM Sargsian, MI Strikman… - Physical review …, 2006 - APS
The ratios of inclusive electron scattering cross sections of He 4, C 12, and Fe 56 to He 3
have been measured at 1< x B< 3. At Q 2> 1.4 GeV 2, the ratios exhibit two separate …

The EMC effect

PR Norton - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2003 -
The status of the EMC effect, the anomalous scattering of leptons on nuclei, is reviewed,
together with models which have been formulated to explain it. The implications for other …

Modifications of nucleons in nuclei and other consequences of the quark substructure

PJ Mulders - Physics Reports, 1990 - Elsevier
In the approximately twenty-five years that the quark model [1] has existed, considerable
progress has been made in the understanding of hadrons, their properties and their …

Detailed study of the nuclear dependence of the EMC effect and short-range correlations

J Arrington, A Daniel, DB Day, N Fomin, D Gaskell… - Physical Review C …, 2012 - APS
Background: The density of the nucleus has been important in explaining the nuclear
dependence of the quark distributions, also known as the EMC effect, as well as the …

Deep inelastic scattering from nuclei and the neutron structure function

IR Afnan, F Bissey, J Gomez, AT Katramatou, S Liuti… - Physical Review C, 2003 - APS
We present a comprehensive analysis of deep inelastic scattering from 3 He and 3 H,
focusing in particular on the extraction of the free neutron structure function F 2 n. Nuclear …

Measurement of low energy total cross sections on N=Z nuclei

R Weiss, J Aclander, J Alster, M Barakat, S Bart… - Physical Review C, 1994 - APS
The total cross sections for K+ on deuterium, Li 6, C 12, Si 28, and Ca 40 have been
measured at four-momenta in the range of 480–714 MeV/c. The experimental technique was …

Manifestation of quark clusters in the emission of cumulative protons in the experiment on the fragmentation of carbon ions

BM Abramov, PN Alekseev, YA Borodin, SA Bulychjov… - JETP letters, 2013 - Springer
The proton yields at an angle of 3.5° have been measured in the FRAGM experiment on the
fragmentation of carbon ions with the energies T 0= 0.6, 0.95, and 2.0 GeV/nucleon on a …

Effective hadronic degrees of freedom in electron-nucleus scattering

PJ Mulders - Nuclear Physics A, 1986 - Elsevier
The dominant contributions in inclusive electron-nucleus scattering in the quasi-elastic
region (0.1< Q2< 1.0 GeV2/c2) are single nucleon knock-out and delta excitation. Using γ …

The EMC effect at all x in the quark cluster model

KE Lassila, UP Sukhatme - Physics Letters B, 1988 - Elsevier
It is shown that the quark cluster model gives a good, physically justifiable description at the
parton level of all currently available deep inelastic lepton scattering data on the ratio of …