In practice, preference learning from human feedback depends on incomplete data with hidden context. Hidden context refers to data that affects the feedback received, but which is …
Y Chen, C Suh - International Conference on Machine …, 2015 -
This paper explores the preference-based top-K rank aggregation problem. Suppose that a collection of items is repeatedly compared in pairs, and one wishes to recover a consistent …
In machine learning, the notion of multi-armed bandits refers to a class of online learning problems, in which an agent is supposed to simultaneously explore and exploit a given set …
Learning from human feedback has shown to be a useful approach in acquiring robot reward functions. However, expert feedback is often assumed to be drawn from an …
A Saha, A Krishnamurthy - International Conference on …, 2022 -
We study the $ K $-armed contextual dueling bandit problem, a sequential decision making setting in which the learner uses contextual information to make two decisions, but only …
We consider the problem of learning to choose actions using contextual information when provided with limited feedback in the form of relative pairwise comparisons. We study this …
A version of the dueling bandit problem is addressed in which a Condorcet winner may not exist. Two algorithms are proposed that instead seek to minimize regret with respect to the …
We study the problem of online rank elicitation, assuming that rankings of a set of alternatives obey the Plackett-Luce distribution. Following the setting of the dueling bandits …
The dueling bandits problem is an online learning framework where learning happens “on- thefly” through preference feedback, ie, from comparisons between a pair of actions. Unlike …