Introduction: In post-Yugoslav trans worlds

B Bilić, I Nord, A Milanović - … in the Post …, 2022 -
Towards the end of December 2020, as we were entering the most intense phase of our
work on this volume, the three of us joined many of our friends, colleagues, and co-authors …

Telo izvođača: cross-gender podela kao tehnika oneobičavanja u pozorištu

O Obradović - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2020 -
Apstrakt: Ovaj rad ispituje upotrebu cross-gender podele u pozorištu, u želji da pomenuti
rediteljski postupak preciznije teorijski artikuliše. Osnovna teza je da cross-gender podela …

Self-Portrait on the kitchen Towel

L Stevanović - AM Časopis za studije umetnosti i medija, 2016 -
Philosopher, feminist theoretician and artist Alenka Spacal paints her self-portraits on
kitchen towels (2003–2005). After first being placed in exhibition, eventually the hanging of …

Položaj instrumentalistkinje u transdisciplinarnim praksama džeza

J Jovićević - Универзитет Сингидунум, 2022 -
Predmet doktorske disertacije Položaj instrumentalistkinje u transdisciplinarnim praksama
džeza jeste problematizacija džeza kao muzičke, ali i društvene prakse, polja koje je …

Teorija prikazivanja kvir identiteta u savremenoj istočnoevropskoj umetnosti i kulturi

S Kesić - Универзитет уметности у Београду, 2016 -
Diskurzivni okvir iz kog pristupam teoretizaciji prikazivanja kvir identiteta u savremenoj
istočnoevropskoj umetnosti i kulturi baziran je, u najvećoj meri, na kvir teoriji, ali i na teoriji …

Transgender in the Post-Yugoslav Space

B Bilić, I Nord, A Milanović, AM Đurić - 2022 -
Bojan Bilić is a psychologist and political sociologist doing research on feminist and LGBTQ
activisms, the anthropology of non-heterosexual sexualities and gender variance as well as …

Performer's Body: Cross-Gender Casting as an Estrangement Technique in Theatre

O Obradović - Etnoantropološki problemi/Issues in Ethnology and …, 2020 -
The main thesis of the present article is that cross-gender casting can function as a
Brechtian estrangement technique, an approach which denaturalizes gender and other …

Stanley Cavell, Classical Hollywood and the Constitution of the Ordinary (With Notes on Billy Wilder)

T Jukić - AM Časopis za studije umetnosti i medija, 2016 -
When in his Tanner lectures Stanley Cavell sets out to define Ordinary Language
Philosophy or–rather–to explain how it demarcates philosophy as such, he takes up …