Figure 6.1. The Wietenberg area and its main directions of long distance trade and exchange (routes are approximated) along with the main places mentioned in the text. 1) …
CI Popa - Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2019 -
In 1996, the research team in the archaeological site from Vințu de Jos-Deasupra Satului was presented with an ornate sandstone axe that had been found by accident. The item was …
NC Rişcuţa, AT Marc, IA Bărbat -
The rescue archaeological excavation fulfilled on the Deva–Orăştie highway route, led us to discover a large settlement belonging to the Bronze Age, on the terrace of the Mureş River …
Părerea mea este că acest Zalmoxis a viețuit mulți ani înaintea lui Pythagoras.(Herodot, Historiae, IV, 961) Acest capitol își propune să prezinte, extrem de succint, câteva aspecte …