Quantum phases driven by strong correlations

S Paschen, Q Si - Nature Reviews Physics, 2021 - nature.com
It has long been thought that strongly correlated systems are adiabatically connected to their
non-interacting counterpart. Recent developments have highlighted the fallacy of this …

Pairing symmetry in cuprate superconductors

CC Tsuei, JR Kirtley - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2000 - APS
Pairing symmetry in the cuprate superconductors is an important and controversial topic.
The recent development of phase-sensitive tests, combined with the refinement of several …

Two-dimensional Hubbard model: Numerical simulation study

JE Hirsch - Physical Review B, 1985 - APS
We have studied the two-dimensional Hubbard model on a square lattice with nearest-
neighbor hopping. We first discuss the properties of the model within the mean-field …

BCS–BEC crossover: From high temperature superconductors to ultracold superfluids

Q Chen, J Stajic, S Tan, K Levin - Physics Reports, 2005 - Elsevier
We review the BCS to Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) crossover scenario which is
based on the well known crossover generalization of the BCS ground state wavefunction …

Landau Fermi-liquid theory: concepts and applications

G Baym, C Pethick - 2008 - books.google.com
A professional reference for physicists working in condensed matter physics as well as in
nuclear physics and astrophysics, on Landau's theory of Fermi liquids--a vital theory of both …

-wave pairing near a spin-density-wave instability

DJ Scalapino, E Loh Jr, JE Hirsch - Physical Review B, 1986 - APS
We investigate the three-dimensional Hubbard model and show that paramagnon exchange
near a spin-density-wave instability gives rise to a strong singlet d-wave pairing interaction …

Quantized vortices in superfluid

MM Salomaa, GE Volovik - Reviews of modern physics, 1987 - APS
The first measurements on vortices in rotating superfluid He 3 have been conducted in the
Low Temperature Laboratory at Helsinki University of Technology during the past five years …

Normal : an almost localized Fermi liquid

D Vollhardt - Reviews of modern physics, 1984 - APS
The Hubbard model is used to calculate static properties of normal-liquid He 3 at T= 0. For
this, Gutzwiller's variational approach to that model is employed. The work is based on an …

Dynamics of the shell model

C Mahaux, PF Bortignon, RA Broglia, CH Dasso - Physics Reports, 1985 - Elsevier
Many Fermi liquids are amenable to a shell-model description, where the particles move in
an average potential. The coupling of the single-particle degrees of freedom to other modes …

specific heat and thermometry at millikelvin temperatures

DS Greywall - Physical Review B, 1986 - APS
High-precision specific-heat measurements were made on pure liquid He 3 in both the
normal and superfluid phases for temperatures between 0.6 and 5 mK and for pressures …