Community psychology: Challenges, controversies and emerging consensus

J Orford - 2008 -
This book is both a sequel to and expansion of Community Psychology, published in 1992. It
serves as a textbook for courses on community psychology but now also includes material …

The role of socio-economic status in depression: results from the COURAGE (aging survey in Europe)

A Freeman, S Tyrovolas, A Koyanagi, S Chatterji… - BMC public health, 2016 - Springer
Background Low socio-economic status (SES) has been found to be associated with a
higher prevalence of depression. However, studies that have investigated this association …

[PDF][PDF] Community psychology

B Kloos, J Hill, E Thomas, A Wandersman… - Belmont, CA …, 2012 -
We invite you to join us for this book's journey through the exciting field of community
psychology! As a team of authors, we each came to community psychology because it …

[图书][B] A Sociology of Mental Health and Illness 6e

A Rogers, D Pilgrim - 2021 -
How do we understand mental health problems in their social context? A former BMA
Medical Book of the Year award winner, this book provides a sociological analysis of major …

Income shocks and adolescent mental health

S Baird, J De Hoop, B Özler - Journal of Human Resources, 2013 -
We investigate the effects of a positive income shock on mental health among adolescent
girls using evidence from a cash transfer experiment in Malawi. Offers of cash transfers …

Mental health and resilience at older ages: Bouncing back after adversity in the British Household Panel Survey

G Netuveli, RD Wiggins, SM Montgomery… - … of Epidemiology & …, 2008 -
Background: Resilience is having good outcomes despite adversity and risk and could be
described in terms of preserving the same level of the outcome or rebounding back to that …

Does the 12-item General Health Questionnaire contain multiple factors and do we need them?

F Gao, N Luo, J Thumboo, C Fones, SC Li… - Health and quality of life …, 2004 - Springer
Abstract Background The 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) is widely used as
a unidimensional instrument, but factor analyses tended to suggest that it contains two or …

Mental health and education decisions

F Cornaglia, E Crivellaro, S McNally - Labour Economics, 2015 - Elsevier
Mental health problems have been rising internationally. The link between poor mental
health and low educational outcomes is particularly interesting in the case of the UK which …

Health, income and relative deprivation: Evidence from the BHPS

AM Jones, J Wildman - Journal of health economics, 2008 - Elsevier
It is believed that income affects health directly but it is argued that indirect income effects
due to relative deprivation may be equally important. This paper investigates these …

Socioeconomic status and the risk of major depression: the Canadian National Population Health Survey

JL Wang, N Schmitz, CS Dewa - Journal of Epidemiology & …, 2010 -
Background There are few longitudinal studies investigating the risk of major depression by
socioeconomic status (SES). In this study, data from the longitudinal cohort of Canadian …