Generalized assorted camera arrays: Robust cross-channel registration and applications

J Holloway, K Mitra, SJ Koppal… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 -
One popular technique for multimodal imaging is generalized assorted pixels (GAP), where
an assorted pixel array on the image sensor allows for multimodal capture. Unfortunately …

双目立体匹配算法的FPGA 实现.

韩剑辉, 吴振, 李兰英 - … of Harbin University of Science & …, 2016 -
摘# 要: 针对KLMN 算法&O 度变化比较大KL 精度不高的问题, 提i# 改进的MN 算法= P 用5;
UM< 算Q% 算R 像S 点的T 度值, 根据T 度U 度V 方图W 得XYZ [值, 动态\] IJ^ _= 改进G …

A subpixel edge detection algorithm based on the combination of border following and gray moment

K Wu, W Li, Y Ge, Y Chen, Y Shen, J Hu… - 2016 IEEE 10th …, 2016 -
Subpixel edge detection is critical in three-dimension computer-assisted intra-operative
navigation based on a marker-based matching technique, because it significantly influences …

Fpga implementation for binocular stereo matching algorithm based on sobel operator

J Han, Z Wu, L Li, Y Ji - International Journal of Database Theory and …, 2016 -
Aiming at the low accuracy of stereo matching algorithm caused by the larger gray change,
an improved algorithm is proposed. Sobel operator is used to compute the gradient of pixels …

Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Pyramid Double Dynamic Programming

JZ Wei, SC Yu, WF Dong, C Feng… - Advanced Materials …, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
A stereo matching algorithm was proposed based on pyramid algorithm and dynamic
programming. High and low resolution images was computed by pyramid algorithm, and …

Método de Correspondência para Sistemas de Visão Multi-Câmara

JPMP Ribeiro - 2015 -
Os sistemas de perceção visual são das principais fontes de informação sensorial utilizadas
pelos robôs autónomos, para localização e navegação em diferentes meios de operação. O …

Reconstrução 3D de chapas conformadas através de visão artificial

DC de Oliveira - 2014 -
Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema de análise de deformações
ocorridas em superfícies metálicas por meio de técnicas de visão artificial, nomeadamente …

[引用][C] 基于RANSAC 算法的极线约束立体视觉匹配方法研究

张培耘, 华希俊, 夏乐春, 符永宏 - 组合机床与自动化加工技术, 2013