Above the weak nonlinearity: super-nonlinear waves in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas

AE Dubinov, DY Kolotkov - Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, 2018 - Springer
The review summarises recent theoretical achievements and observational manifestations
of a new, recently discovered type of nonlinear oscillations in multi-component plasmas …

Space plasma physics: A review

BT Tsurutani, GP Zank, VJ Sterken… - … on Plasma Science, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Owing to the ever-present solar wind, our vast solar system is full of plasmas. The turbulent
solar wind, together with sporadic solar eruptions, introduces various space plasma …

On the analytical and numerical solutions of the damped nonplanar Shamel Korteweg–de Vries Burgers equation for modeling nonlinear structures in strongly …

SA El-Tantawy, AH Salas, MR Alharthi - Physics of Fluids, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
The dissipative cylindrical and spherical (nonplanar) electrostatic low-frequency dust-
acoustic waves (DAWs) including solitary and shock waves in a collisional and …

Dusty plasmas above the sunlit surface of Mercury

SI Popel, AP Golub, LM Zelenyi - Physics of Plasmas, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
Above the sunlit surface of Mercury, the properties and formation of dusty plasmas are
investigated. It is demonstrated that the dusty plasmas are formed for subsolar angles …

Nonplanar dust-acoustic Gardner solitons in a four-component dusty plasma

A Mannan, AA Mamun - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2011 - APS
The nonlinear propagation of Gardner solitons (GSs) in a nonplanar (cylindrical and
spherical) four-component dusty plasma (composed of inertial positively and negatively …

[HTML][HTML] On the approximate solutions of a damped nonplanar modified Korteweg–de Vries equation for studying dissipative cylindrical and spherical solitons in …

SA Almutlak, SA El-Tantawy - Results in Physics, 2021 - Elsevier
In this work, the effect of both nonplanar (cylindrical and spherical) geometry and the dust-
neutral collision on the propagation of dissipative nonplanar electrostatic dust-acoustic …

Weakly dissipative dust-ion-acoustic solitons in complex plasmas and the effect of electromagnetic radiation

TV Losseva, SI Popel, AP Golub, YN Izvekova… - Physics of …, 2012 - pubs.aip.org
Possibility for dust ion-acoustic solitons to exist in complex (dusty) plasmas in the presence
of electromagnetic radiation, which results in positive dust particle charges, is investigated …

Propagation of ionizing shock wave in a dusty gas medium under the influence of gravitational and azimuthal magnetic fields

G Nath - Physics of Fluids, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
In this paper, a closed-form solution for an ionizing spherical shock/blast wave in a dusty gas
(a mixture of an ideal gas and solid particles of micrometer size) under the influence of …

The effect of microscopic charged particulates in space weather

SI Popel, SI Kopnin, MY Yu, JX Ma… - Journal of Physics D …, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract Space weather is a relatively new and important field of research. It is relevant to
diverse topics such as radio communication, space travel, diagnostics of ionospheric and …

Evolution of weakly dissipative hybrid dust ion-acoustic solitons in complex plasmas

TV Losseva, SI Popel, AP Golub, PK Shukla - Physics of Plasmas, 2009 - pubs.aip.org
Possibility for hybrid ion-acoustic solitons to exist in complex (dusty) plasmas is investigated.
Rarefactive solitonlike perturbations are damped and slowed down, mainly due to the …