On the reuse of scientific data

IV Pasquetto, BM Randles, CL Borgman - 2017 - escholarship.org
While science policy promotes data sharing and open data, these are not ends in
themselves. Arguments for data sharing are to reproduce research, to make public assets …

Digital data archives as knowledge infrastructures: Mediating data sharing and reuse

CL Borgman, A Scharnhorst… - Journal of the …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Digital archives are the preferred means for open access to research data. They play
essential roles in knowledge infrastructures—robust networks of people, artifacts, and …

Beyond open access: conceptualizing open science for knowledge co-creation

M Mačiulienė - Frontiers in communication, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Despite the calls from European Union (EU) and global institutions, such as UNESCO and
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for more openness and …

Accepted and emerging roles of academic libraries in supporting research 2.0

T Koltay - The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper identifies some of the tasks and roles that academic libraries have to fulfil in order
to react to the appearance of Research 2.0 that materialises in data intensive research and …

Three gaps in opening science

G Mosconi, Q Li, D Randall, H Karasti, P Tolmie… - Computer Supported …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract The Open Science (OS) agenda has potentially massive cultural, organizational
and infrastructural consequences. Ambitions for OS-driven policies have proliferated, within …

Contemporary issues of open data in information systems research: Considerations and recommendations

GJP Link, K Lumbard, K Conboy, M Feldman, J Feller… - 2017 - cora.ucc.ie
Researchers, governments, and funding agencies are calling on research disciplines to
embrace open dataâ data that anyone can access and use. They have done so based on …

Exploring perceptions of cross-sectoral data sharing with people with Parkinson's

R McNaney, C Morgan, P Kulkarni, J Vega… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
In interdisciplinary spaces such as digital health, datasets that are complex to collect, require
specialist facilities, and/or are collected with specific populations have value in a range of …

En la era de la web de los datos: primero datos abiertos, después datos masivos

T Hernández-Pérez - Profesional de …, 2016 - revista.profesionaldelainformacion …
Repaso de los conceptos y las tecnologías asociadas a la evolución de una web de
documentos a una web de datos. Papel que las bibliotecas públicas y académicas están …

Indicadores bibliométricos de la actividad científica de la República Dominicana

G Riggio-Olivares - 2017 - eprints.rclis.org
El sistema nacional de ciencia y tecnología de la República Dominicana se encuentra en
una fase incipiente de desarrollo. Hasta la fecha no se ha diseñado o implementado un …

Open data in scientific settings: From policy to practice

IV Pasquetto, AE Sands, PT Darch… - Proceedings of the 2016 …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Open access to data is commonly required by funding agencies, journals, and public policy,
despite the lack of agreement on the concept of" open data." We present findings from two …