Nearly all of the aspects of federal antitrust policy are covered in this treatise. And it's written so you don't need a background in economics to understand it. Expert narration states the …
Two sets of rules are critical for the long-run prospects of the economy: those for the use and dissemination of intellectual property (IP) and those for the establishment of standards …
Federalism in American corporate law is widely thought to have bred a system of regulatory competition in which states formulate law to attract incorporation. While commentators …
Inc., 1 ruled that a manufacturer could, as a matter of law, have monopoly power in the servicing of its own equipment, even if it had no such power in the sale of that equipment. In …
H Hovenkamp - Colum. Bus. L. Rev., 2001 - HeinOnline
The Chicago School of antitrust analysis is the most coherent and elegant ideology that antitrust has ever experienced. 1 One must admire its simplicity, as well as its confidence in …
Since the 1980s, the Chicago School model of antitrust economics has reigned as the predominant approach of both courts and agencies. Today, the primary debate among …
Los bienes de información, desde las películas y la música al software ya las cotizaciones de bolsa han sustituido los bienes industriales como motores claves de la economía …
Many recent antitrust cases concern aftermarkets: markets for goods or services used together with durable equipment but purchased after the consumer has invested in the …
The past year began as one of anticipation for antitrust. For the first time in more than a decade, the Democrats took over the White House and changed the leadership of the …