The barriers and enablers of healthy eating among young adults: A missing piece of the obesity puzzle: A scoping review

AE Munt, SR Partridge, M Allman‐Farinelli - Obesity reviews, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Young adults in Western countries are gaining weight faster than their parents and are more
likely to gain weight than any other age cohort. Despite this, investigation into the complex …

Determinants of takeaway and fast food consumption: a narrative review

HG Janssen, IG Davies, LD Richardson… - Nutrition research …, 2018 -
Out-of-home foods (takeaway, take-out and fast foods) have become increasingly popular in
recent decades and are thought to be a key driver in increasing levels of overweight and …

Bidirectional relationship of stress and affect with physical activity and healthy eating

D Schultchen, J Reichenberger, T Mittl… - British journal of …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives Physical activity and healthy eating seem to be protective against experiencing
stress and negative affect as well as increase positive affect. At the same time, previous …

The Theory of Planned Behaviour and dietary patterns: A systematic review and meta-analysis

MS McDermott, M Oliver, T Simnadis, EJ Beck… - Preventive …, 2015 - Elsevier
Objective Promoting adherence to healthy dietary patterns is a critical public health issue.
Models of behaviour, such as the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) allow programme …

Adolescents' presentation of food in social media: An explorative study

C Holmberg, JE Chaplin, T Hillman, C Berg - Appetite, 2016 - Elsevier
The study aimed to explore how adolescents communicate food images in a widely used
social media image-sharing application. We examined how and in what context food was …

From nutrients to nurturance: A conceptual introduction to food well-being

LG Block, SA Grier, TL Childers… - Journal of Public …, 2011 -
The authors propose a restructuring of the “food as health” paradigm to “food as well-being.”
This requires shifting from an emphasis on restraint and restrictions to a more positive …

Determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among children and adolescents: a review of the literature. Part II: qualitative studies

R Krølner, M Rasmussen, J Brug, KI Klepp… - International Journal of …, 2011 - Springer
Background Large proportions of children do not fulfil the World Health Organization
recommendation of eating at least 400 grams of fruit and vegetables (FV) per day. To …

Why healthy eating is bad for young people's health: Identity, belonging and food

M Stead, L McDermott, AM MacKintosh… - Social science & …, 2011 - Elsevier
Research into young people and healthy eating has focussed on identifying the 'barriers' to
healthy eating and on developing interventions to address them. However, it has tended to …

Don't tell me what I should do, but what others do: The influence of descriptive and injunctive peer norms on fruit consumption in adolescents

FM Stok, DTD De Ridder, E De Vet… - British journal of health …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives While healthy eating patterns are of high importance in adolescence, most
adolescents portray quite unhealthy eating behaviour. One reason for this may be that social …

Factors influencing the food choices of Irish children and adolescents: a qualitative investigation

A Fitzgerald, C Heary, E Nixon… - Health promotion …, 2010 -
Food choices established during childhood and adolescence tend to persist into adulthood
with consequences for long-term health. Yet, to date, relatively little research has examined …