In the effort to develop disruptive quantum technologies, germanium is emerging as a versatile material to realize devices capable of encoding, processing and transmitting …
Future quantum computers capable of solving relevant problems will require a large number of qubits that can be operated reliably. However, the requirements of having a large qubit …
Quantum computation features known examples of hardware acceleration for certain problems, but is challenging to realize because of its susceptibility to small errors from noise …
This review describes recent groundbreaking results in Si, Si/SiGe, and dopant-based quantum dots, and it highlights the remarkable advances in Si-based quantum physics that …
Nanofabricated quantum bits permit large-scale integration but usually suffer from short coherence times due to interactions with their solid-state environment. The outstanding …
Silicon is more than the dominant material in the conventional microelectronics industry: it also has potential as a host material for emerging quantum information technologies …
C Kloeffel, D Loss - Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys., 2013 -
Experimental and theoretical progress toward quantum computation with spins in quantum dots (QDs) is reviewed, with particular focus on QDs formed in GaAs heterostructures, on …
Open any textbook on quantum mechanics, and the two-state system of choice is likely to be a spin-½ particle, such as an electron. The corresponding states, spin up and spin down …
The electrical characterisation of classical and quantum devices is a critical step in the development cycle of heterogeneous material stacks for semiconductor spin qubits. In the …