[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan dengan Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit: Literature Review

R Layli - Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 2022 - jptam.org
Mutu pelayanan kesehatan merupakan pelayanan kesehatan yang dapat memuaskan
setiap pemakai jasa pelayanan kesehatan yang sinkron dengan taraf kepuasan rata-rata …

Persepsi pasien tentang kualitas pelayanan rumah sakit pada masa pandemi Covid-19

R Yanuarti, H Febriawati, W Angraini… - Jurnal Kesmas …, 2021 - journal.ipm2kpe.or.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi pasien tentang kualitas pelayanan di
Rumah Sakit Harapan dan Doa Kota Bengkulu pada masa pandemi COVID 19. Desain …

The Effect of Work-Family Conflict, Work Engagement and Workload on Turnover Intention on Nurses of XYZ Hospital, Bogor District

JJ Owen, YFCP Meilani - Budapest International Research and …, 2022 - bircu-journal.com
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of work-family conflict on turnover intention.
2). Work Engagement on Turnover Intention. 3). Workload against Turnover Intention for …


IR Tobing, JB Ginting, JB Ginting… - Jurnal Keperawatan …, 2023 - jurnal.unprimdn.ac.id
Indonesia is one of the countries that has created a social security program to improve
public health under the Health Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS). The hospital is …

Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Umum Rajawali Citra 2022

HA Putra - J-MIND (Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia), 2023 - ojs.unimal.ac.id
Patient satisfaction is a guideline that must be implemented, with satisfaction the existence
of the hospital can be maintained. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of …

Higher Education Institution Clustering Based on Key Performance Indicators using Quartile Binning Method

VS Fatmawaty, I Riadi… - MATRIK: Jurnal …, 2024 - journal.universitasbumigora.ac.id
Abstract The Key Performance Indicators of Higher Education Institutions (KPI-HEIs) are a
crucial component of the internal quality assurance system that supports the achievement of …


NE Syafriati, G Asiani, NS Murni - Jurnal' …, 2025 - jurnal.stikes-aisyiyah-palembang.ac …
Abstract Latar Belakang: Bentuk pelayanan yang efektif bagi pasien jika pelayanannya
nyaman, menyenangkan dan petugasnya ramah serta secara keseluruhan memberikan …

Analisis Pengaruh Kemampuan Pengawak Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Medis Pada Kapal Tni Al

A Nugroho, E Riesnandar - UJoST-Universal Journal of Science and …, 2023 - ujost.org
Optimal quality of medical services is very important in ensuring the health and welfare of
military personnel on board the Indonesian Navy. This study aims to gain a better …

Analisis Perbedaan Tingkat Kepuasaan Pasien terhadap Pelayanan Perawat di Rawat Inap VIP dan Bangsal

UH Almadany, SZ Nasution… - Journal of Telenursing …, 2023 - journal.ipm2kpe.or.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat analisis tingkat kepuasaan pasien terhadap
pelayanan perawat di rawat inap VIP (Very Important Person) dan Bangsal di Rumah Sakit …

Analysis of The Effect of Service Quality and Health Facilities Patient Satisfaction At Bethesda Hospital Gunungsitoli City

B Telaumbanua, N Aslami, AN Daulay - Dinasti International Journal …, 2024 - dinastipub.org
Patient satisfaction will be reflected in how far their level of trust in medical procedures and
how clear the information provided by the medical team is. The better standardization of …