Let G=(V (G), E (G)) be a simple, finite and undirected graph of order n. Given a bijection f: V (G)→{1,…, n}, and every edge uv in E (G), let S= f (u)+ f (v) and D=| f (u)− f (v)|. The labeling f …
A graph G is said to have a totally magic cordial labeling with constant C if there exists a mapping f: V (G)∪ E (G)→{0, 1} such that f (a)+ f (b)+ f (ab)≡ C (mod 2) for all ab∈ E (G) …
P Jeyanthi, NA Benseera, GC Lau - … Mathematics, Algorithms and …, 2015 - World Scientific
Let G=(V (G), E (G)) be a simple, finite and undirected graph of order n. Given a bijection f: V (G)∪ E (G)→ Zk such that for each edge uv∈ E (G), f (u)+ f (v)+ f (uv) is constant C (mod k) …
R PONRAJ, S SUBBULAKSHMI - Journal of Applied and Pure …, 2023 - koreascience.kr
4-TOTAL MEAN CORDIAL LABELING OF ARROW GRAPHS AND SHELL GRAPHS -Journal of Applied and Pure Mathematics | Korea Science society@kisti.re.kr Login English 한국어 …
Hypo-k-Totally Magic Cordial Labeling of Graphs Page 1 Hypo-k-Totally Magic Cordial Labeling of Graphs P. Jeyanthi Govindammal Aditanar College of Women, India N. Angel Benseera Sri …
Totally magic cordial labeling of mP n and mK Page 1 Totally magic cordial labeling of mPn and mKn P. Jeyanthi Govindamal Aditanar College for Women, India N. Angel Benseera Sri …
N Neela, C Selvaraj - Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Let G=(V, E) be a graph. A mapping f from V (G)∪ E (G) to {0, 1} is called Total magic cordial (TMC) labeling if for every ab∈ E (G),(f (a)+ f (b)+ f (ab)) mod 2 is a constant …
FP TO, E FROM - 2016 - healthcaredatainstitute.com
Taking action to prevent epidemics, identifying risk factors as soon as possible in order to avoid diseases or slow their development, predicting predisposition to particular infections …