Screening the law: Ideology and law in American popular culture

N Mezey, MC Niles - Colum. JL & Arts, 2004 - HeinOnline
Imagine for a moment you are watching television: a detective you know and trust from
previous episodes brings a young black man into the interrogation room to tell him that his …

Tiger cub strikes back: Memoirs of an ex-child prodigy about legal education and parenting

PH Huang - Brit. J. Am. Legal Stud., 2012 - HeinOnline
ABSTRACT I am a Chinese American who at 14 enrolled at Princeton and at 17 began my
applied mathematics Ph. D. at Harvard. I was a first-year law student at the University of …

Para uma teoria hermenêutica da justiça: repercussões jusliterárias no eixo problemático das fontes e da interpretação jurídicas

JMMA Silva - 2009 -
Este trabalho parte das conclusões a que chegámos no anterior estudo A prática judiciária
entre Direito e Literatura, estudo em que se firmaram algumas das linhas fundamentais de …

Here's Hulu: How Popular Culture Helps Teach the New Generation of Lawyers

VS Salzmann - McGeorge L. Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
Law students in this generation respond to visual stimuli in a way prior generations did not.
They understand large pieces of information quickly and concisely by relating it to various …

Popular culture, legal films, and legal film critics

JR Elkins - Loy. LAL Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
I. A Confluence of Shallow Rivers I teach a law school course on" Lawyers and Film," and
have taught it a number of years. 1 In teaching the course, I have read everything that has …

Thoughts on Professionalism in the Twenty-First Century

JT Camp - Tul. L. Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
Professionalism issued a report entitled'... In the Spirit of Public Service:'A Blueprint for the
Rekindling of Lawyer Professionalism. This report fanned into flame a concern that had …

Beyond Atticus Finch: Lessons on Ethics and Morality from Lawyers and Judges in Postcolonial Literature

RN Knake - J. legal PRof., 2008 - HeinOnline
This article explores the portrayal of lawyers and judges in postcolonial literature,'an
intersection between law and literature often ignored in legal scholarship, and asks what …

A Proposed Definition of the Term" Lawyering"

JM Daniel III - Law Libr. J., 2009 - HeinOnline
1 Beginning in the middle of the twentieth century, the gerund or participle1 lawyering began
its meteoric journey into the working vocabulary of legal scholarship and judicial decision …

[PDF][PDF] Looking at the Socialization of LIS students through a Pop Culture Lens.

M Wilkins Jordan, L Hussey - Library Philosophy & Practice, 2014 -
The LIS field is filled with pop culture images, seen and learned by our students. Learning
about these images relevant to our students is indeed a task worthy of our time. We are …

Keeping it real: Using facebook posts to teach professional responsibility and professionalism

AP Hemingway - NML Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Why should law professors use actual Facebook posts to teach professional responsibility
and professionalism? Consider this recent Facebook post by a first-year law student …