Kniha je jedinečná svým komplexním pohledem na problematiku obchodu a obchodního jednání. Nabízí teoreticko-praktický manuál pro práci v oblastech styku se zákazníkem …
Although there were many consumer behavior studies, their focus was on traditional brands. Despite that, their conclusions and recommendations can serve as a model for private label …
D Drexler, M Souček - Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2016 - Elsevier
The article focuses on how the position of sweets on shelves is perceived by generation Y consumers. The required data were obtained through eye-tracking using the SMI RED 250 …
Because of the large number of communication tools available in the online environment, besides creating an attractive product, hotel management needs to accurately target each …
Monografie popisuje dopady hluboké proměny zpravodajských médií a žurnalistiky na obor media relations (vztahy s médii). Obor je pojímán jako svébytná disciplína v rámci vztahů s …
M Lukáč, J Mihálik - Communication Today, 2018 -
Intensive financial investments in marketing communication of museums are connected, in parallel, to their visual presentation as well as to strengthening the communication efficiency …
Humour, along with erotic, sex and fear belongs to the strongest emotional appeals in advertising. Inconsistency—departure from the standard, moments of surprise, in connection …
Dne‰ ní spotfiebitel je doslova zaplaven tisíci produkty a sluÏbami, které se na trhu nabízejí. Av‰ ak kaÏd z nich je limitovan finanãními prostfiedky a poznávací kapacitou. Proto je tfieba …
Učební text, který se Vám dostává do rukou, je určen pro studium problematiky plánování marketingové komunikace. Měl by pomoci budoucím pracovníkům v marketingu a …