Computational optimal transport: With applications to data science

G Peyré, M Cuturi - Foundations and Trends® in Machine …, 2019 -
Optimal transport (OT) theory can be informally described using the words of the French
mathematician Gaspard Monge (1746–1818): A worker with a shovel in hand has to move a …

Optimal transport with proximal splitting

N Papadakis, G Peyré, E Oudet - SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2014 - SIAM
This article reviews the use of first order convex optimization schemes to solve the
discretized dynamic optimal transport problem, initially proposed by Benamou and Brenier …

From word embeddings to document distances

M Kusner, Y Sun, N Kolkin… - … conference on machine …, 2015 -
Abstract We present the Word Mover's Distance (WMD), a novel distance function between
text documents. Our work is based on recent results in word embeddings that learn …

Distributionally robust stochastic optimization with Wasserstein distance

R Gao, A Kleywegt - Mathematics of Operations Research, 2023 -
Distributionally robust stochastic optimization (DRSO) is an approach to optimization under
uncertainty in which, instead of assuming that there is a known true underlying probability …

Sinkhorn distances: Lightspeed computation of optimal transport

M Cuturi - Advances in neural information processing …, 2013 -
Optimal transportation distances are a fundamental family of parameterized distances for
histograms in the probability simplex. Despite their appealing theoretical properties …

Robust part-based hand gesture recognition using kinect sensor

Z Ren, J Yuan, J Meng, Z Zhang - IEEE transactions on …, 2013 -
<? Pub Dtl=""?> The recently developed depth sensors, eg, the Kinect sensor, have
provided new opportunities for human-computer interaction (HCI). Although great progress …

Fast and robust earth mover's distances

O Pele, M Werman - 2009 IEEE 12th international conference …, 2009 -
We present a new algorithm for a robust family of Earth Mover's Distances-EMDs with
thresholded ground distances. The algorithm transforms the flow-network of the EMD so that …

Subspace robust Wasserstein distances

FP Paty, M Cuturi - International conference on machine …, 2019 -
Making sense of Wasserstein distances between discrete measures in high-dimensional
settings remains a challenge. Recent work has advocated a two-step approach to improve …

Towards privacy-preserving content-based image retrieval in cloud computing

Z Xia, Y Zhu, X Sun, Z Qin, K Ren - IEEE Transactions on Cloud …, 2015 -
Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) applications have been rapidly developed along with
the increase in the quantity, availability and importance of images in our daily life. However …

A linear time histogram metric for improved sift matching

O Pele, M Werman - Computer Vision–ECCV 2008: 10th European …, 2008 - Springer
We present a new metric between histograms such as SIFT descriptors and a linear time
algorithm for its computation. It is common practice to use the L 2 metric for comparing SIFT …