Fast and high-fidelity generation of steady-state entanglement using pulse modulation and parametric amplification

YH Chen, W Qin, F Nori - Physical Review A, 2019 - APS
We explore an intriguing alternative for a fast and high-fidelity generation of steady-state
entanglement. By exponentially enhancing the atom-cavity interaction, we obtain an …

Dissipative preparation of entangled states between two spatially separated nitrogen-vacancy centers

PB Li, SY Gao, HR Li, SL Ma, FL Li - … Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2012 - APS
We present an efficient scheme for the generation of entangled states of two spatially
separated nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers with two whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) …

Achieving steady-state entanglement of remote micromechanical oscillators by cascaded cavity coupling

H Tan, LF Buchmann, H Seok, G Li - … Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2013 - APS
In this paper, we propose a scheme for generating steady-state entanglement of remote
micromechanical oscillators in unidirectionally coupled cavities. For the system of two …

Error of an arbitrary single-mode Gaussian transformation on a weighted cluster state using a cubic phase gate

ER Zinatullin, SB Korolev, AD Manukhova… - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
In this paper we propose two strategies for decreasing the error of arbitrary single-mode
Gaussian transformations implemented using one-way quantum computation on a four-node …

One-step generation of continuous-variable quadripartite cluster states in a circuit QED system

Z Yang, Z Li, S Ma, F Li - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
We propose a dissipative scheme for one-step generation of continuous-variable
quadripartite cluster states in a circuit QED setup consisting of four superconducting …

Quantum information processing with a travelling wave of light

T Serikawa, Y Shiozawa, H Ogawa… - Integrated Optics …, 2018 -
We exploit quantum information processing on a traveling wave of light, expecting
emancipation from thermal noise, easy coupling to fiber communication, and potentially high …

On mathematical and physical approaches to constructing a quantum cluster state in continuous variables, or is it possible to construct a cluster from different modes?

SB Korolev, EA Vashukevich, TY Golubeva… - Quantum …, 2018 -
We consider the problems of constructing a cluster state from a set of orthogonal modes. It is
shown that the commonly used unitary transformation is not reduced in this case to a set of …

Generation of six-mode cluster states in a coupled cavity array

L Sun, S Wei, W Gu, G Li - JOSA B, 2016 -
We consider a chain of six coupled single-mode cavities, each containing an ensemble of
four-level atoms, and demonstrate how to prepare stationary six-mode cluster states of the …

Controlled Logic Gate Based on a Four-Node Linear Hybrid Cluster State

KS Tikhonov, AD Manukhova, SB Korolev… - Optics and …, 2019 - Springer
In the case of a large amount of computation, a situation may arise when the intermediate
results of calculations need to be stored for a given time. In this work, we show how to create …

[PDF][PDF] Управляемый логический вентиль на четырехузловом линейном гибридном кластерном состоянии

KС Тихонов, AД Манухова, СБ Королёв… - Оптика и …, 2019 -
В случае большого количества вычислений может возникнуть ситуация, когда
промежуточные результаты вычислений необходимо хранить некоторое заданное …