[PDF][PDF] Analisis Sentimen Aplikasi WETV di Google Play Store Menggunakan Algoritma Support Vector Machine

U Kulsum, M Jajuli… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
WeTV is an online streaming application widely used by Indonesia's people as an
entertainment medium while at home. This application has been downloaded more than 50 …

Classification of E-Commerce Product Descriptions with The Tf-Idf and Svm Methods

D Pakpahan, V Siallagan… - Sinkron: jurnal dan …, 2023 - jurnal.polgan.ac.id
The rapidly growing e-commerce sector presents a significant challenge in navigating an
abundance of products. Understanding and classifying product descriptions efficiently and …

Comparison of NB and SVM in Sentiment Analysis of Cyberbullying using Feature Selection

S Riadi, E Utami, A Yaqin - Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik …, 2023 - jurnal.polgan.ac.id
In the past few decades, the internet has become an inseparable part of human life. It
provides ease of access and permeates almost every aspect of human existence. One of the …


W Fernando, D Jollyta, D Priyanto… - Jurnal Ilmiah Kursor, 2024 - kursorjournal.org
Numerical data problems are typically caused by a failure to comprehend the data and the
outcomes of its processing. In order to give richer context and a deeper understanding of the …

Application of SVM and Chi-Square Feature Selection for Sentiment Analysis of Indonesia's National Health Insurance Mobile Application

E Hokijuliandy, H Napitupulu, Firdaniza - Mathematics, 2023 - mdpi.com
(1) Background: sentiment analysis is a computational technique employed to discern
individuals opinions, attitudes, emotions, and intentions concerning a subject by analyzing …

Support Vector Machine untuk Analisis Sentimen Masyarakat Terhadap Penggunaan Antibiotik di Indonesia

H Darwis, N Wanaspati, S Anraeni - Indonesian Journal of Computer …, 2023 -
Peningkatan penggunaan antibiotik secara global termasuk di Indonesia, seringkali
irasional dan tanpa resep berpotensi menyebabkan resistensi bakteri. Analisis sentimen …

Analisis Sentimen Berbasis Aspek Terhadap Ulasan Aplikasi Mypertamina Menggunakan Support Vector Machine

I Maulana, W Apriandari… - Idealis: Indonesia Journal …, 2023 - jom.fti.budiluhur.ac.id
Abstract PT. Pertamina (Persero), sebagai BUMN terbesar di bidang minyak dan gas bumi
di Indonesia, memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menyalurkan BBM bersubsidi secara tepat …

Analisis Sentimen Menggunakan Metode Klasifikasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dan Seleksi Fitur Chi-Square

E Hokijuliandy, H Napitupulu, F Firdaniza - SisInfo, 2023 - jurnalunibi.unibi.ac.id
Analisis sentimen adalah teknik komputasi untuk mengidentifikasi opini, sikap, emosi, dan
maksud seseorang terhadap suatu subjek melalui ulasan yang diberikan. Studi sebelumnya …

Penerapan Algoritma Multiclass Support Vector Machine dan TF-IDF Untuk Klasifikasi Topik Tugas Akhir

ADD Wibiyanto, A Wibowo - SKANIKA: Sistem Komputer dan …, 2023 - jom.fti.budiluhur.ac.id
Dalam penyelesaian jenjang strata atau diploma, mahasiswa harus melewati tahap akhir
yaitu penyelesaian tugas akhir. Dengan banyaknya mahasiswa yang mengajukan tugas …

Perbandingan Metode Random Forest, Convolutional Neural Network, dan Support Vector Machine Untuk Klasifikasi Jenis Mangga

R Mardianto, S Quinevera… - Journal of Applied …, 2024 - journal.isas.or.id
Mango is a fruit known as the" King of Fruit" due to its rich flavor, vast variability, and high
nutritional value. Classifying mangoes based on their external appearance is the initial step …