From the 1750s to the 1830s, numerous British intellectuals, novelists, essayists, poets, playwrights, translators, educationalists, politicians, businessmen, travel writers, and …
The first part of Goethe's dramatic poem Faust (1808), one of the great works of German literature, grabbed the attention of Byron and Percy Shelley in the 1810s, engaging them in …
Two centuries after Percy Shelley's death, his writings continue to resonate in remarkable ways. Shelley addressed climate change, women's liberation, nonbinary gender, and …
" A stark departure from traditional philology, What is Authorial Philology? is the first comprehensive treatment of authorial philology as a discipline in its own right. It provides …
Este trabajo ofrece un análisis de dos traducciones al español de sendos poemas del autor británico William Wordsworth publicadas en la segunda década del siglo XX, con el …
Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837) and Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) crossed paths during their lifetimes, and though they never met, the legacy of their work betrays a shared …
Esta tese tem como objectivo comparar aspectos da recepção da literatura britânica durante o Estado Novo em Portugal, e na Hungria durante a era comunista. Na primeira parte da …
This chapter explores two possible interpretations of the British Romantics abroad, the first referring to the many writers who travelled on the Continent in this period, the second to their …
Esta tesis doctoral se encuadra dentro de la investigación llevada a cabo por el equipo TRACE (acrónimo de TRAducciones CEnsuradas), y supone una extensión del estudio del …