Energy security studies have expanded from their classic beginnings following the 1970s oil crises to encompass various energy sectors and increasingly diverse issues. This viewpoint …
This article provides an overview of securitization in Chinese climate and energy debates. Scholars have debated the merits as well as the potentially problematic implications of …
A Judge, T Maltby - European journal of international security, 2017 -
Fears about the security of supplies have been central to debates about the development of an integrated EU energy policy over the past decade, leading to claims that energy has …
In this chapter, students will learn about the concept and theory of 'securitization'and the major debates it has stimulated. Securitization refers to a process whereby issues are …
J Nyman - Journal of International Relations and Development, 2018 - Springer
Understanding the complicated relationship between energy, climate and security is vital both to the study of international relations and to ensure the continued survival of a world …
AS Campion - Asian Journal of Political Science, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This article uses critical discourse analysis to examine how China has been constructed as an existential threat by the United States. Specifically, it explores how US reactions to the …
The decisions we make about energy shape our present and our future. From geopolitical tension to environmental degradation and an increasingly unstable climate, these choices …
P Newell, R Lane - Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The geophysical phenomena of climate change impact on the existing organization of energy economies and their attendant politics in multiple ways—at times magnifying and at …
J Kester - Energy Research & Social Science, 2017 - Elsevier
From the late 1980s, the natural gas extraction in the Netherlands has experienced an increasing number of ever stronger gasquakes (induced earthquakes due to gas extraction) …