In this paper I shall argue that we have to focus on units of pragmatic analysis such as the pragmeme. A pragmeme is a situated speech act in which the rules of language and of …
Gisela Harras Handlungssprache und Sprechhandlung Eine Einführung in die theoretischen Grundlagen 2., durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage wDEG Walter de …
One key aspect of threat in terrorists' language is incitement to violence. Contributing to a fuller understanding of how terrorists use language to encourage people to join their cause …
This paper revisits Grice's Co-operational Principle (CP). It argues that to take proper account of maxims, their exploitation and relevance, a recontextualizing of the CP in line …
J Culpeper, P Iganski, A Sweiry - Journal of Language Aggression …, 2017 -
Despite its centrality to religiously aggravated hate crime recorded in England and Wales, the nature of the language used has been neglected in research. This paper, based on a …
MO Taillard - Working Papers in Linguistics, 2000 -
Two of the goals of human communication are: to be understood and to be believed. In persuasive communication, both of these acts are fulfilled. Pragmatists have investigated the …
This paper criticizes previous approaches to perlocutions and previous formalizations of perlocutionary effects of communicative actions by showing that some of their fundamental …
Бабелюк ОА–доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри технічного перекладу навчально-наукового інституту психології і соціальної роботи Львівського державного …
The tradition in (im) politeness research so far has been to focus on oral corpora and sometimes on written texts, paying scant attention to multimodal texts such as political …