The long‐standing view that biomass growth in trees typically follows a rise‐and‐fall unimodal pattern has been challenged by studies concluding that biomass growth increases …
Forest disturbances that lead to the replacement of whole tree stands are a cornerstone of forest dynamics, with drivers that include fire, windthrow, biotic outbreaks and harvest. The …
Accurately monitoring tropical forest carbon stocks is a challenge that remains outstanding. Allometric models that consider tree diameter, height and wood density as predictors are …
Amazon forests account for~ 25% of global land biomass and tropical tree species. In these forests, windthrows (ie, snapped and uprooted trees) are a major natural disturbance, but …
Management of tropical forest in the form of timber harvesting is a viable alternative to deforestation in Amazonia. Nevertheless, a significant challenge for timber management in …
Due to the high cost of traditional forest plot measurements, the availability of up-to-date in situ forest inventory data has been a bottleneck for remote sensing image analysis in …
Tropical second‐growth forests could help mitigate climate change, but the degree to which their carbon potential is achieved will depend on exposure to disturbance. Wind disturbance …
Tropical tree species span a range of life‐history strategies within a fast–slow continuum. The position of a species within this continuum is thought to reflect a negative relationship …
Tree allometric models are generally developed at local scales and thus potentially biased when used for different locations and at broader spatial scales. Because allometric …