D Martinovic, J Karisik, M Bico-Car - UTMS Journal of Economics, 2013 - econstor.eu
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in all national economies are generators of growth and development. This statement is confirmed by the fact that SMEs in the European Union …
Sažetak Konkurentnost podrazumijeva stalni rast produktivnosti uz kvalitetnu strategiju i poslovanje poduzeća, na koju zajednički utječu makroekonomsko i mikroekonomsko …
Sažetak Bosanskohercegovačko se gospodarstvo nalazi u tranziciji od planske k tržišnoj ekonomiji. Mala i srednja poduzeća važna su za uspješan tržišni razvoj zemalja u tranziciji …
I Stojanović, J Ateljević - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND …, 2011 - academia.edu
Innovation has become important consideration for the public sector today, particularly in the policy development, programs design and delivery of public services. This paradigm is …
“Anti-crisis policies and their effects in Bosnia and Herzegovina” is a paper that deals primarily with the research and analysis of theoretical and implemented ways of overcoming …