Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning for clinical outcome prediction

RW Pettit, R Fullem, C Cheng… - Emerging topics in life …, 2021 -
AI is a broad concept, grouping initiatives that use a computer to perform tasks that would
usually require a human to complete. AI methods are well suited to predict clinical outcomes …

The impact of artificial intelligence and deep learning in eye diseases: a review

R Nuzzi, G Boscia, P Marolo, F Ricardi - Frontiers in Medicine, 2021 -
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subset of computer science dealing with the development and
training of algorithms that try to replicate human intelligence. We report a clinical overview of …

[PDF][PDF] Kerangka kerja sistem kecerdasan buatan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi sumber daya manusia Indonesia

Y Devianto, S Dwiasnati - IncomTech: Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan …, 2020 -
Di zaman yang semakin berkembang ini yaitu era digital, teknologi merupakan suatu hal
yang sangat penting. Dunia pada saat ini tengah menghadapi era teknologi atau biasa …

Artificial intelligence and deep learning in ophthalmology-present and future

AD Moraru, D Costin, RL Moraru… - Experimental and …, 2020 -
Since its introduction in 1959, artificial intelligence technology has evolved rapidly and
helped benefit research, industries and medicine. Deep learning, as a process of artificial …

Advances in telemedicine in ophthalmology

D Parikh, G Armstrong, V Liou… - Seminars in …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Telemedicine is the provision of healthcare-related services from a distance and is poised to
move healthcare from the physician's office back into the patient's home. The field of …

A comparison of two-stage classifier algorithm with ensemble techniques on detection of diabetic retinopathy

AT Nagi, MJ Awan, R Javed… - 2021 1st International …, 2021 -
The Diabetic retinopathy is disease of the human eye that causes retinal damage in diabetic
patients. It further leads to the blindness. The machine learning techniques plays an …

Medical-informed machine learning: integrating prior knowledge into medical decision systems

C Sirocchi, A Bogliolo, S Montagna - BMC Medical Informatics and …, 2024 - Springer
Background Clinical medicine offers a promising arena for applying Machine Learning (ML)
models. However, despite numerous studies employing ML in medical data analysis, only a …

[HTML][HTML] Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Telemedicine: Revolutionizing Healthcare Delivery

T Rezaei, PJ Khouzani, SJ Khouzani, AM Fard… - Kindle, 2023 -
Abstract Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into telemedicine has emerged as a
groundbreaking approach, revolutionizing the delivery of healthcare services. AI, with its …

[HTML][HTML] Artificial intelligence and machine learning in ocular oncology: retinoblastoma

S Kaliki, VS Vempuluru, N Ghose, G Patil… - Indian Journal of …, 2023 -
Purpose: This study was done to explore the utility of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning in the diagnosis and grouping of intraocular retinoblastoma (iRB). Methods: It was a …

[HTML][HTML] Determining uncertainties in AI applications in AEC sector and their corresponding mitigation strategies

Y An, H Li, T Su, Y Wang - Automation in Construction, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Artificial Intelligence (AI) methodologies and techniques have been used to
solve a wide spectrum of engineering problems in Architectural, Engineering and …