Education between individual freedoms and social arrangements: the case of African graduates in Bulgaria (1960–1990)

V Kachakova, S Koleva - Frontiers in education, 2024 -
The contradiction between the gains achieved in educational attainment in African countries
and the persistence of individual and social vulnerability raises questions about the role of …

Global Bridges, Local Ruins? Re-thinking Socialist Spaces Through the Experience of Non-aligned Enterprises

A Calori - Rethinking Socialist Space in the Twentieth Century, 2024 - Springer
This chapter examines the agency of non-state actors in shaping concurrent world orders
during the Cold War and, with them, the very notion of socialist space, by focusing on state …

A World of Their Own: Vietnamese Students in Late Socialist Poland

TL Nguyễn Vũ - Rethinking Socialist Space in the Twentieth Century, 2024 - Springer
In the 1950s the Polish People's Republic and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
established diplomatic and political connections that remained constant even after the …

Теория, теоретик, пътуване: деколониални размисли на емигрант от първо поколение

N Karkov - Социологически проблеми, 2024 -
Та зи ста тия преп ли та ин те лек ту ал но-по ли ти чески раз мис ли с би ографич ни
фак ти, за да ос мис ли пре диз ви ка тел ст ва та, труд ности те и въз мож ни те пол зи …

Неукротимата история на постсталинисткия социализъм (за Zhivka Valiavicharska, Restless History: Political Imaginaries and Their Discontents in Post-Stalinist …

S Tetevenski - Социологически проблеми, 2024 -
Кни га та на Жив ка Ва ля ви чар ска Restless History: Political Imaginaries and Their
Discontents in Post-Stalinist Bulgaria (Не укроти ма исто рия: по ли ти чески ви зии и тех …