Image segmentation using spatial intuitionistic fuzzy C means clustering

BK Tripathy, A Basu, S Govel - 2014 IEEE International …, 2014 -
A fuzzy algorithm is presented for image segmentation of 2D gray scale images whose
quality have been degraded by various kinds of noise. Traditional Fuzzy C Means (FCM) …

Hadoop with intuitionistic fuzzy C-means for clustering in big data

BK Tripathy, D Mittal, DP Hudedagaddi - Proceedings of the International …, 2016 - Springer
In recent days, industry and academia have been trying to address the data handling issues
with respect to big data. This has led to development of new computing arenas in the fields …

A comparative study of RIFCM with other related algorithms from their suitability in analysis of satellite images using other supporting techniques

S Purushotham, B Tripathy - Kybernetes, 2014 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to provide a way to analyze satellite images using
various clustering algorithms and refined bitplane methods with other supporting techniques …

Bearing fault detection using fuzzy C-means and hybrid C-means-subtractive algorithms

S Lotfan, N Salehpour, H Adiban… - … conference on fuzzy …, 2015 -
In this research, ball bearing fault diagnosis based on experimental vibration signals is
studied. For this purpose, vibration signals are measured by an acceleration sensor from …

[PDF][PDF] Mining Educational Data for students' placement prediction using Sum of difference method

P Swarnalatha, DGG Ramanathan - International Journal of Computer …, 2014 - Citeseer
The purpose of higher education organizations have to offer superior education to its
students. The proficiency to forecast student's achievement is valuable in affiliated ways …

Uncertainty-based clustering algorithms for large data sets

BK Tripathy, H Seetha, MN Murty - Modern Technologies for Big …, 2018 -
Data clustering plays a very important role in Data mining, machine learning and Image
processing areas. As modern day databases have inherent uncertainties, many uncertainty …

Apply of sum of difference method to predict placement of students' using educational data mining

L Ramanathan, A Geetha, M Khalid… - … Systems Design and …, 2016 - Springer
The purpose of higher education organizations is to offer superior education to its students.
The proficiency to forecast student's achievement is valuable in affiliated ways associated …

[PDF][PDF] Image anonymization using clustering with pixelization

RE Thomas, SK Banu, BK Tripathy - Int. J. Eng. Technol, 2018 -
With the increasing usage of images to express opinions, feelings and one's self, on social
media, and other websites, privacy concerns become an issue. The need to anonymize a …

[PDF][PDF] A Comparative Analysis of Depth Computation of Leukaemia Images using a Refined Bit Plane and Uncertainty Based Clustering Techniques

S Purushotham, BK Tripathy - Cybernetics and Information …, 2015 -
Several image segmentation techniques have been developed over the years to analyze the
characteristics of images. Among these, the uncertainty based approaches and their hybrids …

[PDF][PDF] Handling Fuzziness in Big Data using Clustering Techniques

BK Tripathy, PH Deepthi - NCICT-15, Bangalore, 2015 -
The evolving needs for big data mining and data analysis applications has led both industry
and academia to design new types of data-intensive computing platforms. As big data holds …