[HTML][HTML] Adaptive machine learning for protein engineering

BL Hie, KK Yang - Current opinion in structural biology, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Machine-learning models that learn from data to predict how protein sequence
encodes function are emerging as a useful protein engineering tool. However, when using …

Bayesian optimization algorithms for accelerator physics

R Roussel, AL Edelen, T Boltz, D Kennedy… - … Review Accelerators and …, 2024 - APS
Accelerator physics relies on numerical algorithms to solve optimization problems in online
accelerator control and tasks such as experimental design and model calibration in …

BoTorch: A framework for efficient Monte-Carlo Bayesian optimization

M Balandat, B Karrer, D Jiang… - Advances in neural …, 2020 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Bayesian optimization provides sample-efficient global optimization for a broad range of
applications, including automatic machine learning, engineering, physics, and experimental …

Unexpected improvements to expected improvement for bayesian optimization

S Ament, S Daulton, D Eriksson… - Advances in …, 2023 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Expected Improvement (EI) is arguably the most popular acquisition function in Bayesian
optimization and has found countless successful applications, but its performance is often …

Monte carlo gradient estimation in machine learning

S Mohamed, M Rosca, M Figurnov, A Mnih - Journal of Machine Learning …, 2020 - jmlr.org
This paper is a broad and accessible survey of the methods we have at our disposal for
Monte Carlo gradient estimation in machine learning and across the statistical sciences: the …

Bananas: Bayesian optimization with neural architectures for neural architecture search

C White, W Neiswanger, Y Savani - … of the AAAI conference on artificial …, 2021 - ojs.aaai.org
Over the past half-decade, many methods have been considered for neural architecture
search (NAS). Bayesian optimization (BO), which has long had success in hyperparameter …

Parallel bayesian optimization of multiple noisy objectives with expected hypervolume improvement

S Daulton, M Balandat… - Advances in Neural …, 2021 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Optimizing multiple competing black-box objectives is a challenging problem in many fields,
including science, engineering, and machine learning. Multi-objective Bayesian optimization …

Differentiable expected hypervolume improvement for parallel multi-objective Bayesian optimization

S Daulton, M Balandat… - Advances in Neural …, 2020 - proceedings.neurips.cc
In many real-world scenarios, decision makers seek to efficiently optimize multiple
competing objectives in a sample-efficient fashion. Multi-objective Bayesian optimization …

[HTML][HTML] Deep learning-based phase prediction of high-entropy alloys: Optimization, generation, and explanation

SY Lee, S Byeon, HS Kim, H Jin, S Lee - Materials & Design, 2021 - Elsevier
Identifying phase information of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) can be helpful as it provides
useful information such as anticipated mechanical properties. Recently, machine learning …

Pareto set learning for expensive multi-objective optimization

X Lin, Z Yang, X Zhang… - Advances in neural …, 2022 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Expensive multi-objective optimization problems can be found in many real-world
applications, where their objective function evaluations involve expensive computations or …