Développement d'un langage de programmation dédié à la modélisation géométrique à base topologique, application à la reconstruction de modèles géologiques 3D

V Gauthier - 2019 - theses.hal.science
La modélisation géométrique est utilisée dans de nombreux domaines pour la construction
d'objets 3D, l'animation ou les simulations. Chaque domaine est soumis à ses propres …

[PDF][PDF] 面向抒情歌曲旋律的钢琴自动伴奏算法

曹西征, 牛靖雯, 秦杰, 孙志勇 - 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016 - htu.edu.cn
目前钢琴自动伴奏中存在着一定的不和谐问题, 其中一个重要原因是由于和弦处理的固定性往往
不能满足旋律的不确定性要求. 为此, 提出一种面向拍号固定的抒情歌曲旋律的自适应伴奏算法 …

Greifbare Benutzerinteraktion mit einem Musiklernprogramm

J Krukenberg - 2024 - reposit.haw-hamburg.de
In dieser Bachelorarbeit wird untersucht, wie mithilfe von realen Objekten eine Interaktion
mit einem Musiklernprogramm für eine Steigerung des Lernerfolgs erreicht werden kann …

counterpoint by construction

Y Cong, J Leo - Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN International …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
We present Music Tools, an Agda library for analyzing and synthesizing music. The library
uses dependent types to simplify encoding of music rules, thus improving existing …

Functionally Generating Music Structures with Prefix Trees

EK Hoff - 2021 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
I dette prosjektet ble et nytt system for å generere musikk med fokus på struktur designet og
implementert i det funksjonelle språket Haskell. Systemet representerer og genererer …

[PDF][PDF] Abcl: Abc music notation with rich chord support (Short Paper)

JJ Almeida - 7th Symposium on Languages, Applications and …, 2018 - drops.dagstuhl.de
It is well known the relevance of accompany chords but there is a lack of tools capable of
automatically generating sound from them. In this paper we describe a domain specific …

Intelligent composition method for the prairie-song melodies of northern China

X Cao, W Zhan - Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2018 - content.iospress.com
It is easy to apply artificial intelligence methods and address scientific problems with
concrete rules. However, it is often challenging to apply these methods to art creation …

[PDF][PDF] Scala Music Generation

V Pittet, N Amin, V Kuncak - lampwww.epfl.ch
1.1 Concepts The generated piece is divided into cells. Each cell has a duration, a harmonic
chord, a rhythmic pattern and a melody. These four properties constrain each other. In …