LC Grandi - Frontiers in psychology, 2016 -
Affective touch plays a key role in affiliative behavior, offering a mechanism for the formation and maintenance of social bonds among conspecifics, both in humans and non-human …
LC Grandi, M Gerbella - Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2016 -
Pleasant touch may serve as a foundation for affiliative behavior, providing a mechanism for the formation and maintenance of social bonds among conspecifics. In humans, this touch is …
Human and animal studies emphasize the importance of affiliative touch among conspecifics, both from the behavioral and physiological perspectives. Among non-human …
The data described here relate to the article entitled “The effect of pleasant touch on nose skin temperature, heart rate and heart rate variability: preliminary results in a male laboratory …
The Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 governs the use of animals in scientific research in the UK. Embedded within this is a requirement to implement the 3Rs …
Il tatto assume un'importanza fondamentale nella vita quotidiana, in quanto ci permette di discriminare le caratteristiche fisiche di un oggetto specifico, di identificarlo e di …