Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy provides subdiffraction resolution while preserving useful aspects of fluorescence microscopy, such as optical sectioning, and …
Fluorescence nanoscopy uniquely combines minimally invasive optical access to the internal nanoscale structure and dynamics of cells and tissues with molecular detection …
Many biological investigations require 3D imaging of cells or tissues with nanoscale spatial resolution. We recently discovered that preserved biological specimens can be physically …
Despite its short history, diffraction-unlimited fluorescence microscopy techniques have already made a substantial imprint in the biological sciences. In this review, we describe …
Quantum metrology provides a route to overcome practical limits in sensing devices. It holds particular relevance to biology, where sensitivity and resolution constraints restrict …
C Bond, AN Santiago-Ruiz, Q Tang, M Lakadamyali - Molecular Cell, 2022 -
Since its initial demonstration in 2000, far-field super-resolution light microscopy has undergone tremendous technological developments. In parallel, these developments have …
Anyone who has used a light microscope has wished that its resolution could be a little better. Now, after centuries of gradual improvements, fluorescence microscopy has made a …
For centuries, cell biology has been based on light microscopy and at the same time been limited by its optical resolution. However, several new technologies have been developed …
Ever since the inception of light microscopy, the laws of physics have seemingly thwarted every attempt to visualize the processes of life at its most fundamental, sub-cellular, level …