A wide variety of engineered and natural systems are modeled as networks of coupled nonlinear oscillators. In nature, the intrinsic frequencies of these oscillators are not constant …
We present for the first time in detail the set of the main critical exponents associated with the phase transition of the Kuramoto model under multiplicative noise action. This was done …
We examine the pattern solutions in a generalized nonlocal logistic map that includes spatial kernels in both growth and competition terms. We show that this map includes as a …
In this work, we derive a deterministic equation for a generalized nonlocal population dynamics that depends fundamentally on two lengths parameters (α, β). We associate these …
Neste trabalho desenvolvemos um método para obter a equação de KardarParisi-Zhang (KPZ) a partir do modelo de corrosão (Etching Model) desenvolvido por Mello et al. O …
Neste trabalho desenvolvemos a hipótese de que a dinâmica de um determinado sistema pode fazer com que a atividade fique restrita a um subconjunto do espaço, caracterizado …
Fenômenos de crescimento são observados em situações diversas, tais como crescimentos de filmes finos, colônia de bactérias, tumores, entre outros. Portanto, o seu estudo é de …
Growth phenomena are observed in various situations, such as thin film growths, bacteria colony, tumors, among others. Therefore, its study is extremely important both from a …