AC Bontempo - SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, 2023 - Elsevier
Some evidence suggests that clinicians' discomfort with diagnostic uncertainty can lead to communication by clinicians that can be perceived by patients as dismissive of their …
OBJECTIVE Managing uncertainty is a core competency of pediatric residents. However, discussing uncertainty with attending physicians can be challenging. Research is needed to …
K Kim - Korean Journal of Medical Education, 2022 -
Purpose Despite attempts to teach medical students and trainees about uncertainty in medical practice and how to tolerate it, studies on how to promote tolerance to uncertainty …
This dissertation is an explication and investigation into the phenomenon that I call symptom invalidation, which I define as communication that deems one's symptoms or related …
La pensée critique est considérée comme un ensemble de compétences et de dispositions incontournables, tant leur maîtrise peut influencer nos décisions et nos comportements …
Résumé L'incertitude médicale est prégnante dans le soin. Les enjeux de sa tolérance et de sa gestion sont de mieux en mieux décrits dans la littérature. Pourtant, elle a longtemps fait …
Uncertainty exists ubiquitously within provider-patient interactions. Healthcare providers (HCPs) often face uncertainty during patient-provider interactions, for reasons including …
A Kerr, A Rakowsky, C Stewart, MEC Thompson -
In baseball, a really good batting average is. 333—which means the batter hits the ball and gets to first base a third of the time. That also means they miss—they fail—two-thirds of the …