La première impression que l'on a lorsqu'on parcourt ton curriculum vitae, c'est que tu fus un bon élève. Tu es la seule personne de ma connaissance qui ait les trois baccalauréats …
Whence morality? That is a question which has troubled philosophers since their subject was invented. Two and a half millennia of debate have, however, failed to produce a …
LJ Thompson - Journal of Business Ethics, 2010 - Springer
Globalization, with its undisputed benefits, also presents complex moral challenges that business leaders cannot ignore. Some of this moral complexity is attributable to the scope …
Provo a spiegare in poche parole perché ho scritto questo libro, così lontano dalle mie presunte competenze culturali. L'ho scritto perché mi sentivo come un granello di sabbia in …
The book aims to revitalise the interdisciplinary debate about evolutionary ethics and substantiate the idea that evolution science can provide a rational and robust framework for …
This entry offers a broad historical review of the origin and development of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection through the initial Darwinian phase of the “Darwinian …
Recent work in the fields of evolutionary ethics and moral psychology appears to be converging on a single empirically-and evolutionary-based science of morality or ethics. To …
Is it possible for Aquinas's moral theology to engage constructively with contemporary moral naturalism? The proposed question has already been a subject of scholarly interest, eliciting …
ГБ Гутнер - Вопросы философии, 2017 -
Наука уже несколько столетий остается одной из главных тем философии. Стоит ли лишний раз вспоминать о том месте, которое она занимает в структуре нашей …