HD Pedersen - Sociologia Ruralis, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The article adds to the literature on youth migration within a rapidly changing rural society. Insights are presented on how multiple place attachment is reflected in the context of rural‐to …
HP Nielsen - Journal of Rural Studies, 2022 - Elsevier
The general trend in Denmark is for more and more people to move to urban areas. One reason is that job opportunities and possibilities for finding a well-paid job are demonstrably …
MD Herold, GP Hunt, TMJ Antin - Journal of Youth Studies, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
While research on youthful drinking is extensive, the literature has been geographically skewed towards urban settings. As a potential corrective to this, our focus in this paper is on …
MD Herold, GP Hunt, TMJ Antin - Journal of Youth Studies - pure.au.dk
While research on youthful drinking is extensive, the literature has been geographically skewed towards urban settings. As a potential corrective to this, our focus in this paper is on …
Stedet og lokalsamfundet som afsæt for samfundsanalyser har været et tilbagevendende omdrejningspunkt for sociologien lige fra de tidligste sociologer. Tænk, for eksempel, på …