F Dellaert, M Kaess - Foundations and Trends® in Robotics, 2017 - nowpublishers.com
We review the use of factor graphs for the modeling and solving of large-scale inference problems in robotics. Factor graphs are a family of probabilistic graphical models, other …
N Keetha, J Karhade… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - openaccess.thecvf.com
Dense simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is crucial for robotics and augmented reality applications. However current methods are often hampered by the non-volumetric or …
We present the first application of 3D Gaussian Splatting in monocular SLAM the most fundamental but the hardest setup for Visual SLAM. Our method which runs live at 3fps …
Z Teed, J Deng - Advances in neural information …, 2021 - proceedings.neurips.cc
We introduce DROID-SLAM, a new deep learning based SLAM system. DROID-SLAM consists of recurrent iterative updates of camera pose and pixelwise depth through a Dense …
3D scene graphs have recently emerged as a powerful high-level representation of 3D environments. A 3D scene graph describes the environment as a layered graph where …
M Labbé, F Michaud - Journal of field robotics, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Distributed as an open‐source library since 2013, real‐time appearance‐based mapping (RTAB‐Map) started as an appearance‐based loop closure detection approach with …
Where am I? This is one of the most critical questions that any intelligent system should answer to decide whether it navigates to a previously visited area. This problem has long …
We present a new point-based approach for modeling the appearance of real scenes. The approach uses a raw point cloud as the geometric representation of a scene, and augments …
R Mur-Artal, JD Tardós - IEEE transactions on robotics, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We present ORB-SLAM2, a complete simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) system for monocular, stereo and RGB-D cameras, including map reuse, loop closing, and …