S Jackson - Emory Int'l L. Rev., 2019 - HeinOnline
In 2014, Amnesty International (" Amnesty")-the world's largest international human rights organization-made a big shift. A people's movement of seven million members, supporters …
E Schapiro - Emory Int'l L. Rev., 2019 - HeinOnline
In a world where wrongful convictions are an unfortunate reality, what criminal justice system best poses the solution to this international problem? Is the adversarial system, the …
Sammendrag Forfatter: Iselin Strøm Sørvoll Tittel: Bekreftelsesfelle i rettslig kontekst-I politietterforskning og hos pårørende til fornærmede i sammenheng med frifinnelse ved …
Wrongful conviction is often due to misidentification, particularly cross-cultural misidentification. DNA errors and other influences (including weapon focus effect, mugshot …
Pretrial detention can significantly increase an innocent detainees' willingness to falsely admit guilt. Prospect theory examines psychological reference points, where a person's …