This paper addresses the problem of reliability and makespan optimization of hardware task graphs in reconfigurable platforms by applying fault tolerance (FT) techniques to the running …
This paper presents a technique to improve the reliability and the mean time to failure (MTTF) of hardware task graphs (TGs) running on reconfigurable computers. This technique …
This paper presents an approach to optimize the reliability and makespan of hardware task graphs, running on FPGA-based reconfigurable computers, in space-mission computing …
SRAM-based FPGAs have found many applications in modern computer systems. In these systems, high-performance computing applications are executed as task graphs in which …
S Gohari - Arman Process Journal (APJ), 2023 -
Most adaptive computing systems use reconfigurable hardware in the form of field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). In order for these systems to be fielded in harsh …