Using a novel dataset, which merges good-level prices underlying the PPI with the respondents' balance sheets, we show that liquidity constrained firms increased prices in …
We study the gains from increased wage flexibility using a small open economy model with staggered price and wage setting. Two results stand out:(i) the effectiveness of labor cost …
MT Kiley - Review of Economic Dynamics, 2016 - Elsevier
The common sticky-prices New-Keynesian model behaves differently in a zero-lower bound environment. Fiscal and forward guidance multipliers can be very large. Positive supply …
This paper re-examines the relationship between population aging and economic growth. We confirm previous research such as Cutler et al.(1990) and Acemoglu and Restrepo …
How accurate is a log-linear approximation of the New Keynesian model when the nominal interest rate is bounded by zero? This paper compares the solution of the exact non-linear …
We study the optimal inflation target in an open economy with a zero lower bound (ZLB) on nominal interest rates calibrated to the Euro area. When uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) …
D Berger, J Vavra - European Economic Review, 2018 - Elsevier
We use microdata underlying US consumer, producer and import price indices to document how the distribution of price changes evolves over time. Two striking features characterize …
S Acharya, J Bengui - Journal of International Economics, 2018 - Elsevier
Motivated by debates surrounding international capital flows during the Great Recession, we conduct a positive and normative analysis of capital flows when a region of the global …
RM Billi, J Galí - Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
We analyse the welfare impact of greater wage flexibility in the presence of an occasionally binding zero lower bound (ZLB) constraint on the nominal interest rate. We show that the …