Toward the Geoscience Paper of the Future: Best practices for documenting and sharing research from data to software to provenance

Y Gil, CH David, I Demir, BT Essawy… - Earth and Space …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Geoscientists now live in a world rich with digital data and methods, and their computational
research cannot be fully captured in traditional publications. The Geoscience Paper of the …

OpenML: networked science in machine learning

J Vanschoren, JN Van Rijn, B Bischl… - ACM SIGKDD Explorations …, 2014 -
Many sciences have made significant breakthroughs by adopting online tools that help
organize, structure and mine information that is too detailed to be printed in journals. In this …

Scientific benchmarking of parallel computing systems: twelve ways to tell the masses when reporting performance results

T Hoefler, R Belli - Proceedings of the international conference for high …, 2015 -
Measuring and reporting performance of parallel computers constitutes the basis for
scientific advancement of high-performance computing (HPC). Most scientific reports show …

From repeatability to reproducibility and corroboration

DG Feitelson - ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 2015 -
Being able to repeat experiments is considered a hallmark of the scientific method, used to
confirm or refute hypotheses and previously obtained results. But this can take many forms …

Computational reproducibility: state-of-the-art, challenges, and database research opportunities

J Freire, P Bonnet, D Shasha - Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMOD …, 2012 -
Computational experiments have become an integral part of the scientific method, but
reproducing, archiving, and querying them is still a challenge. The first barrier to a wider …

Experiment databases: A new way to share, organize and learn from experiments

J Vanschoren, H Blockeel, B Pfahringer, G Holmes - Machine Learning, 2012 - Springer
Thousands of machine learning research papers contain extensive experimental
comparisons. However, the details of those experiments are often lost after publication …

Quickstep: A data platform based on the scaling-up approach

JM Patel, H Deshmukh, J Zhu, N Potti, Z Zhang… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
Modern servers pack enough storage and computing power that just a decade ago was
spread across a modest-sized cluster. This paper presents a prototype system, called …

The open international soccer database for machine learning

W Dubitzky, P Lopes, J Davis, D Berrar - Machine learning, 2019 - Springer
How well can machine learning predict the outcome of a soccer game, given the most
commonly and freely available match data? To help answer this question and to facilitate …

Repeatability and workability evaluation of SIGMOD 2011

P Bonnet, S Manegold, M Bjørling, W Cao… - ACM SIGMOD …, 2011 -
SIGMOD has offered, since 2008, to verify the experiments published in the papers accepted
at the conference. This year, we have been in charge of reproducing the experiments …

[PDF][PDF] Trust but verify: How to leverage policies, workflows, and infrastructure to ensure computational reproducibility in publication

C Willis, V Stodden - Harvard Data Science Review, 2021 -
This article distills findings from a qualitative study of seven reproducibility initiatives to
enumerate nine key decision points for journals seeking to address concerns about the …