[PDF][PDF] Erişkin Morgagni hernisinde transtorasik yaklaşım

H Okutan, ES Uçan, E Silistireli, Ö Oto - Toraks Dergisi, 2000 - thoracrespract.org
Two types congenital diaphragmatic hernias are recognized. Morgagni hernias have been
reported to occur in up to% 5 of patients described in large series. Occasionally these …

A Rare Reason of Dyspnea in an Elderly Patient

M Ozgel - Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery, 2020 - archive.paparesearch.co.in
Aims: Morgagni hernia is a rare congenital diaphragmatic hernia in an adult. The issue of
Morgagni Hernia, which was difficult for surgical selection, was tried to be explained with …


A Başkıran, K Sağlam, A Dirican - jag.journalagent.com
Morgagni hernia is herniation of the abdominal contents through a congenital retrosternal
defect to the thoracic cavity. In the present study we report a case of 40 years old male …

Hernia of Morgagni Presented with Ileus; Case Report

H Eşme, DA Şahin, O Solak, M Sezer - Journal of Surgical Arts, 2009 - dergipark.org.tr
Erişkinlerde nadiren görülen Morgagni hernisi, abdominal organların retrosternal
diyafragmatik defekten göğüs boşluğuna konjenital herniasyonudur. Burada barsak …