Which Way with Informatics in High Schools in the Netherlands? The Dutch Dilemma.

N Van Diepen, J Perrenet, B Zwaneveld - Informatics in Education, 2011 - ceeol.com
Informatics is currently being taught in high schools all over the world. In the Dutch
curriculum, computer literacy is taught in the lower grades as a compulsory subject …

Computer science teacher training at the university of groningen

N Grgurina - … Thinking: Third International Conference on Informatics …, 2008 - Springer
Abstract The University Center for Academic Learning and Teaching (UOCG) provides the
University of Groningen with an educational program to train fully qualified secondary school …

Identifying and addressing common programming misconceptions with variables (part 1)

D Plass-Oude Bos - 2015 - essay.utwente.nl
Programming is considered an important skill in the 21st century, but it is not an easy skill to
teach or to learn. One of the most basic concepts in programming is that of variables …

Positie van het vak informatica in havo/vwo

B Zwaneveld, J Perrenet… - Tijdschrift voor didactiek …, 2009 - research.utwente.nl
De vraag van dit artikel is: hoe moet het verder met het vak informatica in de bovenbouw van
havo en van vwo? Deze vraag is relevant om een aantal redenen. Enerzijds gaat het om …

[PDF][PDF] High School Graduates' Yearbook on CD-ROM: an Attempt at a Funky Project instead of just Boring Theory

N Grgurina - … Federation for Information Processing Digital Library, 2010 - researchgate.net
Abstract In the Netherlands the Secondary School Computer Science Curriculum prescribes
teaching about various aspects of system development and suggests doing so in a …