N Vladisavljević - International Political Science Review, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
This article explores the relationship between competitive authoritarianism and popular protest. Building upon comparative regime analysis and social movement research, it …
Političke partije nastale su pre približno dva stoleća kao slučajno društveno otkriće u Velikoj Britaniji,„kolevci demokratije “, i proširile se, kao kap ulja na vodi, na ogromnu većinu …
The nonviolent overthrow of Balkan dictator Slobodan Milošević in October 2000 is celebrated as democracy promotion at its best. This perceived political success has been …
Sažetak U tekstu se, na temelju nalaza više empirijskih istraživanja, analiziraju procesi restratifikacije u Srbiji, u periodu od kraja 1980-ih godina do novijeg vremena. U prvom delu …
This series aims to analyse the nature and scope of, as well as possible remedies for, political corruption. The rise to prominence over the last 20 years of corruption-related …
M Korzeniewska-Wiszniewska - 2008 - books.google.com
W drugiej połowie lat osiemdziesiątych poszczególne republiki Socjalistycznej Federacyjnej Republiki Jugosłwii coraz bardziej zdecydowanie dążyły do utworzenia samodzielnych …
JN Clark - East European Politics and Societies, 2008 - ceeol.com
Can an entire nation be collectively guilty for crimes committed in its name? Focusing on the case of Serbia, this article argues that collective guilt is a morally flawed and untenable …
Janine N. Clark is a Leverhulme Fellow in the International Politics department at Aberystwyth University, Wales. She was awarded a PhD by the University of Nottingham at …
N Vladisavljević - Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The paper shows that sustained popular protest is a recurrent feature in many authoritarian regimes and that a regime type strongly shapes its characteristics. Popular protest often …