Levitated optomechanics: A tutorial and perspective

G Winstone, M Bhattacharya, AA Geraci, T Li… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023 - arxiv.org
Optomechanics, the study of the mechanical interaction of light with matter, has proven to be
a fruitful area of research that has yielded many notable achievements, including the direct …

High-precision gravimeter based on a nano-mechanical resonator hybrid with an electron spin

XY Chen, ZQ Yin - Optics Express, 2018 - opg.optica.org
We show that the gravitational acceleration can be measured with the matter-wave Ramsey
interferometry, by using a nitrogen-vacancy center coupled to a nano-mechanical resonator …

Nonadiabatic dynamics and geometric phase of an ultrafast rotating electron spin

XY Chen, T Li, ZQ Yin - Science Bulletin, 2019 - Elsevier
The spin in a rotating frame has attracted a lot of attentions recently, as it deeply relates to
both fundamental physics such as pseudo-magnetic field and geometric phase, and …

Optimizing chemical-vapor-deposition diamond for nitrogen-vacancy center ensemble magnetometry

ST Alsid - 2017 - dspace.mit.edu
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has emerged as a promising platform for high-
sensitivity, vector magnetic field detection and high spatial resolution magnetic-field imaging …

High-Sensitivity Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Magnetometry: from DC to GHz

ST Alsid - 2022 - dspace.mit.edu
In the past 15 years, quantum sensing of magnetic fields using nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center
ensembles in diamond has matured into an established discipline, with several proof of …