By-design access to laser wavelength, especially with integrated photonics, is critical to advance quantum sensors, such as optical clocks and quantum-information systems, and …
Frequency conversion of dissipative solitons associated with the generation of broadband optical frequency combs having a tooth spacing of hundreds of giga-hertz is a topical …
Recently, substantial progress has been made in the understanding of microresonators frequency combs based on dissipative Kerr solitons (DKSs). However, most of the studies …
We present a theory of frequency comb generation in high-Q ring microresonators with quadratic nonlinearity and normal dispersion and demonstrate that the naturally large …
Designing metamaterials with the required band structure, topology and chirality using nano- fabrication technology revolutionise modern science. The approach of this work to the …
We consider a high-Q microresonator with χ (2) nonlinearity under conditions when the coupling rate between the sidebands around the pump and its second harmonic exceeds …
We elaborate a comprehensive theory of the sharp variations of the four-wave-mixing (FWM) threshold happening with the tuning of the pump frequency along the dispersive tails of the …
We propose and analyze a theoretical scheme of an injected Kerr cavity, where the chromatic dispersion is induced by propagation of light through two Lorentzian spectral …
We theoretically study the dynamics and spatio-temporal pattern formation of driven lattices of nonlinear optical microresonators and analyze the formation of dissipative structures, in …