The barriers and enablers of healthy eating among young adults: A missing piece of the obesity puzzle: A scoping review

AE Munt, SR Partridge, M Allman‐Farinelli - Obesity reviews, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Young adults in Western countries are gaining weight faster than their parents and are more
likely to gain weight than any other age cohort. Despite this, investigation into the complex …

Stigma and the perpetuation of obesity

AA Brewis - Social science & medicine, 2014 - Elsevier
Even as obesity rates reach new highs, the social stigmatization of obesity seems to be
strengthening and globalizing. This review identifies at least four mechanisms by which a …

Social influences on eating

S Higgs, H Ruddock - Handbook of eating and drinking: Interdisciplinary …, 2020 - Springer
Eating plays a central role in many social activities, and there is ample evidence to suggest
that social context exerts a pervasive and powerful influence on what, and how much …

Employees' healthy eating and physical activity: the role of colleague encouragement and behaviour

A van der Put, L Ellwardt - BMC Public Health, 2022 - Springer
Background: Exercising and eating healthy are not just an individual choice, but influenced
by family members, friends, or neighbours. Little is known, however, about colleagues, who …

Social networks, group exercise, and anxiety among college students

MS Patterson, LR Gagnon, A Vukelich… - Journal of American …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Objective This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between group exercise
membership, social network characteristics, and general state anxiety in a sample of college …

Assessing social network influences on adult physical activity using social network analysis: a systematic review

T Prochnow, MS Patterson - American Journal of Health …, 2022 -
Objective Social network analysis (SNA) can measure social connectedness and assess
impact of interpersonal connections on health behaviors, including physical activity (PA) …

Network effects on physical activity through interpersonal vs. masspersonal communication with the core and acquaintance networks

L Li, J Meng - Computers in Human Behavior, 2023 - Elsevier
This study extended the conceptual model of network influence on health behavior by
establishing the correspondence between types of social networks (ie, core and …

The social network antecedents to consumer engagement: revealing how consumers' conversations influence online engagement behaviors

Y Qu, AJ Saffer, D Riffe - Corporate Communications: An International …, 2022 -
Purpose Consumer engagement has become a critical component to many brands'
relationship and promotional efforts. Empirical studies have documented the psychological …

Women's social eating environment and its associations with dietary behavior and weight management

S Mötteli, M Siegrist, C Keller - Appetite, 2017 - Elsevier
As an unhealthy social eating environment is considered a risk factor for obesity, this study
aimed to examine women's regular eating networks and the extent to which diet-related …

Social network influences and the adoption of obesity-related behaviours in adults: a critical interpretative synthesis review

N Serrano Fuentes, A Rogers, MC Portillo - BMC public health, 2019 - Springer
Background Obesity is a key risk factor for developing a long-term condition and a leading
cause of mortality globally. The limited evidence associated with interventions that currently …