[HTML][HTML] Polypharmacy: a global risk factor for elderly people

RJ Dagli, A Sharma - Journal of international oral health: JIOH, 2014 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
World Health Organization has evaluated that in every nine people there is one elderly
people, ie of age 60 years or older. This value is to be expected to increase to one in five …

Polypharmacy in the elderly

A Cantlay, T Glyn, N Barton - InnovAiT, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Polypharmacy is the use of several concurrent medications by one individual. It is an
increasingly common phenomenon in an ageing population with multiple morbidities, and …

[PDF][PDF] Rules for improving pharmacother apy in older adult patients: part 1 (rules 1-5)

JM Wooten - South Med J, 2015 - researchgate.net
The population of older adult patients in the United States is growing each year. Appropriate
pharmacotherapy has allowed many older patients to live longer and maintain healthy lives …

[PDF][PDF] Ageism in medication use in older patients

D Fialová, I Kummer, M Držaić… - … perspectives on ageism, 2018 - library.oapen.org
Medications and doses are often similarly prescribed to older and younger adult patients
(Somers 2016). This is a problem that must be viewed as ageist, because pharmacological …

Screening for orthostatic hypotension in the geriatric population in a real-world primary care setting reduces prescribed antihypertensive medications

MG Kaye, J Rutowski, H Aftab, R Pandey… - Blood Pressure …, 2023 - journals.lww.com
Background To determine if outpatient screening for orthostatic hypotension (OH) in the
geriatric population results in fewer prescribed antihypertensive medications and if a …

Optimization of decision support tool using medication regimens to assess rehospitalization risks

CH Olson, M Dierich, T Adam… - Applied Clinical …, 2014 - thieme-connect.com
Background: Unnecessary hospital readmissions are costly for the US health care system.
An automated algorithm was developed to target this problem and proven to predict elderly …

A retrospective analysis of prescription medications as it correlates to falls for older adults

K Lawson, CM Vinluan, A Oganesyan… - Pharmacy Practice …, 2018 - SciELO Espana
Objectives:: To determine the correlation between falls and two medication factors: the class
of medications and potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) prescribed to community …

A whole of population retrospective observational study on the rates of polypharmacy in New Zealand 2014 to 2018 Polypharmacy in New Zealand: What is the …

J Nind, A Smith, M Devananda… - Health Science …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Background and Aims Polypharmacy (≥ 5 medicines) and hyperpolypharmacy (≥
10 medicines) can significantly impact people's health. The literature surrounding …

Polypharmacy as a risk factor for depressive symptoms in geriatric patients: an observational, cross-sectional study

L Spandel, J Josko-Ochojska, A Batko-Szwaczka - 2016 - digibug.ugr.es
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between polypharmacy and
depressive symptoms in hospitalized adults aged over 65 years. Patients and methods: We …

[PDF][PDF] Faktor Risiko Mortalitas Pasien Geriatri Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit: Studi Kohort pada Rumah Sakit Rujukan di Indonesia

FA Yofi, AA Damayanti… - Jurnal Penyakit Dalam …, 2021 - scholarhub.ui.ac.id
Pendahuluan. Penurunan tingkat fertilitas dan peningkatan angka harapan hidup
menyebabkan lonjakan populasi usia lanjut di dunia yang diperkirakan meningkat dari 9 …