Happiness economics from 35 000 feet

G MacKerron - Journal of Economic Surveys, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The economics of happiness, or subjective well being, is an expanding field, with a growing
number of applied papers reporting empirical associations between happiness and other …

From Happiness Data to Economic Conclusions

DJ Benjamin, K Cooper, O Heffetz… - Annual Review of …, 2023 - annualreviews.org
Happiness data—survey respondents' self-reported well-being (SWB)—have become
increasingly common in economics research, with recent calls to use them in policymaking …

[PDF][PDF] Modeling ordered choices: A primer

WH Greene - 2010 - pages.stern.nyu.edu
It is increasingly common for analysts to seek out the opinions of individuals and
organizations using attitudinal scales such as degree of satisfaction or importance attached …

[HTML][HTML] Reversing the gender gap in happiness

M Montgomery - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022 - Elsevier
Life satisfaction surveys are increasingly being used as a measure of welfare (Stiglitz et al.,
2009), and even proposed as a primary measure (Layard, 2005). On average worldwide …

[图书][B] Health economics: an international perspective

B McPake, C Normand, S Smith, A Nolan - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Health Economics: An International Perspective is the only textbook to provide a truly
international, comparative treatment of health economics. Offering an analysis of health …

[图书][B] Applied health economics

AM Jones, N Rice, TB d'Uva, S Balia - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
The first edition of Applied Health Economics did an expert job of showing how the
availability of large scale data sets and the rapid advancement of advanced econometric …

Who feels constrained by high debt burdens? Subjective vs. objective measures of household debt

M Keese - Journal of Economic Psychology, 2012 - Elsevier
I analyze differences in debt perception of households confronted with an objective debt
burden. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, my econometric analysis …

Life satisfaction

A Kapteyn, JP Smith, A Van Soest - International differences in …, 2010 - books.google.com
Economists have discovered (or rediscovered) happiness, or at least research on subjective
well-being and its economic correlates (see, eg, Van Praag, Frijters, & Ferrer-i-Carbonell …

Trends in child and adolescent mental health prevalence, outcomes, and inequalities

S Collishaw, R Sellers - Mental health and illness of children and …, 2020 - Springer
Child and adolescent mental health problems are common and have serious impacts on
wellbeing, relationships, education, and long-term health. A public health priority is to …

Do Danes and Italians rate life satisfaction in the same way? Using vignettes to correct for individual‐specific scale biases

V Angelini, D Cavapozzi, L Corazzini… - Oxford bulletin of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Self‐reported life satisfaction is highly heterogeneous across similar countries, a
phenomenon that may be explained by the different scales and benchmarks that people use …